Installing Abilian Core

If you are a Python web developer (which is the primary target for this project), you probably already know about:

  • Python 2.7
  • Virtualenv
  • Pip

So, after you have created and activated a virtualenv for the project, just run:

pip install -r requirements.txt

To use some features of the library, namely document and images transformation, you will need to install the additional native packages, using our operating system’s package management tools (dpkg, yum, brew…):

  • A few image manipulation libraries (libpng, libjpeg)

  • The poppler-utils, unoconv, LibreOffice, ImageMagick utilities

  • lesscss:

    For Debian/Ubuntu the package is named node-less. If your distribution’s package is too old, you may install node-js >= 0.10 and npm. Lesscss can then be installed with:

    $ sudo npm install -g less
    npm http GET
    npm http 200
    $ which lessc


Abilian Core come with a full unit and integration testing suite. You can run it with make test (once your virtualenv has been activated).

Alternatively, you can use tox to run the full test suite in an isolated environment.